Membership Application to Join WALI
Membership provides indispensable resources for networking and news. WALI also hosts monthly educational meetings from September through May and a variety of PI conferences throughout the year.
You can join WALI by completing the application form here.
If you have any questions about WALI, please email us or call any of the board members or officers of the association and they will be happy to answer any questions.
Types of Membership:
Professional Member
Any person licensed by the State of Washington as a private investigator who is a principal or employee of an investigation firm, or any person working in the State of Washington under the title of “investigator” who is not working for an investigative agency and is exempt from licensing under Washington laws. Professional Members shall have the right to vote and hold office.
Affiliate Member
Any individual residing outside of the State of Washington, and not licensed in Washington, who is qualified in her/his own jurisdiction (County or State) to legally operate as a private investigator. Affiliate members shall not have the right to vote or to hold office.
Associate Member
Any individual who does not qualify for Professional or Affiliate membership but who is either an employee or principal in a private firm, partnership, or corporation providing services and support to the private legal profession, including but not limited to forensic scientists, accident reconstructionists, paralegals, and other related specialties. Associate members shall not have the right to vote or to hold office.
The annual dues for all membership types is $100.00. The initial non-refundable application fee is an additional $25.00. A total of $125.00 should be submitted with this application. Special rules apply if joining during the last quarter of the year. Contact the membership chair about this at
If you would like to apply by mail, print this application and send it with a check for $125.
Click here for the application